iTop (IT Operational Portal) is an ITIL-oriented service management application that includes a customizable CMDB. The documentation is a bit spotty, so here’s how to experiment in a virtual machine.
- Download the TurnKey LAMP stack image (available as VMDK, OVF, and ISO) and open in your favorite virtualization software.
- Boot and configure the OS and MySQL root accounts
- Install OS updates
- Note the IP address
- If you need external authentication, install PHP LDAP support and verify:
apt-get install php5-ldap php5-cli php -m | grep ldap
- Restart Apache
service apache2 restart
- Configure MySQL
- Login to phpMyAdmin at https://ip_address:12322
- Create a user called itop
- Select Create database with same name and grant all privileges
- Download & install iTop files
wget unzip mkdir /var/www/itop cp -r web/* /var/www/itop chown -R www-data /var/www/itop/
- Edit configuration file
nano /var/www/itop/config-itop.php
- Change line 26 to your timezone
'timezone' => 'America/New_York'
- Optional: if you use LDAP authentication, change lines 65-70. This will allow any user account in the domain to login (create the accounts without
'host' => 'LDAP_server_hostname', 'port' => 389, 'default_user' => 'bind_user', 'default_pwd' => 'bind_password', 'base_dn' => 'dc=example,dc=com', 'user_query' => '(&(samaccountname=%1$s)(objectCategory=User)
- Optional: comment out all languages other than en to improve performance
- Change line 26 to your timezone
- Browse to http://ip_address/itop and complete the wizard
- Optional: configure background processing (cron)
- Optional: install the Data Model Toolkit
- Download & install
cd /var/www/iTop wget unzip chown -R www-data toolkit
- Browse to http://ip_address:/itop/toolkit
- Download & install