Installing iTop in a VM

iTop (IT Operational Portal) is an ITIL-oriented service management application that includes a customizable CMDB. The documentation is a bit spotty, so here’s how to experiment in a virtual machine.

  1. Download the TurnKey LAMP stack image (available as VMDK, OVF, and ISO) and open in your favorite virtualization software.
  2. Boot and configure the OS and MySQL root accounts
  3. Install OS updates
  4. Note the IP address
  5. If you need external authentication, install PHP LDAP support and verify:
    apt-get install php5-ldap php5-cli
    php -m | grep ldap
  6. Restart Apache
    service apache2 restart
  7. Configure MySQL
    1. Login to phpMyAdmin at https://ip_address:12322
    2. Create a user called itop
    3. Select Create database with same name and grant all privileges
  8. Download & install iTop files
    mkdir /var/www/itop
    cp -r web/* /var/www/itop
    chown -R www-data /var/www/itop/
  9. Edit configuration file
    nano /var/www/itop/config-itop.php
    1. Change line 26 to your timezone
      'timezone' => 'America/New_York'
    2. Optional: if you use LDAP authentication, change lines 65-70. This will allow any user account in the domain to login (create the accounts without
      'host' => 'LDAP_server_hostname',
      'port' => 389,
      'default_user' => 'bind_user',
      'default_pwd' => 'bind_password',
      'base_dn' => 'dc=example,dc=com',
      'user_query' => '(&(samaccountname=%1$s)(objectCategory=User)
    3. Optional: comment out all languages other than en to improve performance
  10. Browse to http://ip_address/itop and complete the wizard
  11. Optional: configure background processing (cron)
  12. Optional: install the Data Model Toolkit
    1. Download & install
      cd /var/www/iTop
      chown -R www-data toolkit
    2. Browse to http://ip_address:/itop/toolkit

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